Thursday, February 11, 2010

Strange Virtualbox Error

Yesterday, I upgraded to the latest version of Virtualbox - its my favourite virtualisation product for the laptop/desktop market. I like to stay up to date.

Suddenly the shared folders weren't!

The virtual network was still working, so that wasn't the problem.

A quick 
lsmod | grep vboxsf
produced no result. But entering
modprobe vboxvfs
returned the error message:
FATAL: Module vboxvfs not found.

Aha! Something I could use. I reckoned that something had happened to the virtualbox addins. Which doesn't completely make sense. I could see that they might have become out of date, but not that they "disappear". Lets try re-adding those additions.

I selected Install Guest Additions from the devices menu and a cdrom image appeared the VM desktop. A quick
mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
Ignore the messages about read-only filesystems and then 
cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_3.1.2_56127
and enter
Answer the questions as appropriate. And Bob's your uncle.
# mount -t vboxsf Downloads /mnt
# mount 
Downloads on /mnt type vboxsf (rw)

Its all there. And that's that!


waterbearer said...

Are you still having these issue with vboxvfs. I've just found out that from the virtualbox documentation (changelog to be specific) that from version 3.1.8 onwards they have changed vboxvfs to vboxsf.

So try replacing vboxvfs to vboxsf

Hope this helps.

Shared folders: renamed the guest kernel module from vboxvfs to vboxsf to make it load on demand by the Linux kernel. Fixes mounting from /etc/fstab in Ubuntu 10.04

Anonymous said...

I am trying to use Debian 6.0.4 for some research but cannot make the Shared Folders feature of VirtualBox work.

I have installed Guest Additions (4.1.8) but no matter what I do /sbin/modprobe vboxvfs or /sbin/modprobe vboxsf both return Module not found errors.

I am at my wits end because I am not a Linux person and I am only doing this for research into the software my company sells.

I have tried with 64 and 32 bit Debian but no joy.

I am very competent with VirtualBox and I have managed to do these things on Ubuntu (which my company doesn't support in case you're wondering)

Do you have any other advice? It would be greatly appreciated.