Monday, February 2, 2009

Vista As A Virus #2

At my company, Lotus Notes is stored on the D:\ drive @ D:\notes with the id file and various nsf stored in D:\notes\data.

Except if you have Vista as your OS.

On Vista, although you tell Notes to use D:\notes\data it will actually use C:\Users\App Details\Local\VirtualStore\IBM\notes\data

Why is it like this?

Because Vista could!

Because Vista is a Virus!

This might not seem such a serious problem. Unless you are using Notes on more than one machine and need to copy the id file between them. And then you have to go in search of the files.

Yes, that is a one off operation. But why the heck should you need to search?



LowLatency said...

As a fellow notes user, I would say the solution is to get rid of Domino and use Exchange.

r said...


The company buying mine is an exchange house, so that's going to happen.